Obligations checklist

Do I have to take account of WEEE compliance? - The checklist

Please go through the following checklist carefully. It tells you whether you are affected by the EU WEEE Directive and/or the Austrian waste electrical equipment ordinance.

Note that not every detail and exception is covered here - but contact us if you can answer at least one of the following statements with YES. Then you can find out with absolute certainty if you are affected, or not, by the existing ordinances and regulations  which apply to old electrical equipment or batteries.  

□ We have an office in Austria and supply electrical equipment and/or batteries to the consumer market in Austria (i.e. we import or manufature products). 

□ We have no office in Austria and sell electrical equipment online or by mail-order directly to end-users. 

□ We have no office in Austria and only sell through distributors - but we want to deal with WEEE compliance issues for ourselves.  

□ We supply electrical or electronic equipment solely to business customers in the Austrian market.

Your advantages in being an ERA customer

What are the advantages for me in choosing ERA as a partner?

  • Best price/service value

  • Household and commercial system for all waste electrical equipment and batteries

  • No long-term contract commitment (4 weeks notice period per quarter)
  • Transfer of obligations opportunity for foreign companies ("Authorised Representative" option)
  • Attractive terms and conditions

You can find all the advantages of ERA here.

Our offer for distance sellers

Since 1st July 2014, foreign distance seller retailers who sell electrical equipment directly to Austrian consumers must have a designated so-called "Authorised Representative".

We can take care of this for your company - you can find more detailed information here.

Contract completion

We only require your basic data. Unfortunately we require additional contract sections for foreign customers - but the system generates these from your data.

At the end of the input process you will receive a completed contract which is tailored for you.

Please print it out, sign it and return it to us.

Here you can download the contract documents now.